martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

Welcome in Zaragoza!

Well I am already here for several months so I will tell a bit about what I have done..
I came to Zaragoza in the end of August, after a long travel using airplane, buses, cabs and feeds :-) But finally I arrived and survived ;-)
The second day I found a flat, it is a really "L´auberge espagnol" for those who have seen the movie. 11 people, 5 nationalities and a lot of action :-)
I enjoy it to live there and to speak several languages, of course Spanish and German but also English and French.
University here is different in contrast to the Netherlands but I like it and take it as a challenge.
I like the city and the people here, I met and still meet interesting, impressing people and I am sure, I will gain a lot of experience here!

3 comentarios:

Inge dijo...

Leuk zeg, zeker weten dat je veel leuke mensen ontmoet in Zaragoza ;-)
Zoen inge

hala dijo...

Yes, French, you speak it so well... so much well that I'm always disorientated ! you're sure you're German ?



AguR dijo...

If it's like "l'auberge espagnol"... then there must be really plenty of action :)

I'll tell you a little secret... I hate Spanish University, where the lecturer speaks and the students just listen (when listening) and take notes (when not speaking with somebody through MSN). Please don't learn anything of our educational system ;)