martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

Welcome in Zaragoza!

Well I am already here for several months so I will tell a bit about what I have done..
I came to Zaragoza in the end of August, after a long travel using airplane, buses, cabs and feeds :-) But finally I arrived and survived ;-)
The second day I found a flat, it is a really "L´auberge espagnol" for those who have seen the movie. 11 people, 5 nationalities and a lot of action :-)
I enjoy it to live there and to speak several languages, of course Spanish and German but also English and French.
University here is different in contrast to the Netherlands but I like it and take it as a challenge.
I like the city and the people here, I met and still meet interesting, impressing people and I am sure, I will gain a lot of experience here!

Maike in Spain

Hey all,
I decided to write this in English so that most of you can understand it :-)

Currently I am an Erasmus student in Zaragoza, Spain, and here I will write what I am doing, what´s going on and how I am :-)

Have fun reading it!